We are a family owned and operated importer of premium Japanese koi and Chinese and Thai goldfish. We specialize in rare and exotic high quality goldfish from China and quality Japanese koi at reasonable prices for Retail, Online, and Wholesale.
King Koi Goldfish formally opened our retail store in August of 2015. With the launch of the website in early 2016, KKG has grown into an industry leader in the high end ornamental fish industry. Goldfish imported and sold by King Koi Goldfish have won numerous competitions and are widely recognized as some of the best in America.
King Koi Goldfish is a family business with roots in the ornamental fish industry going back over 30 years. With strong leverage in buying power and generations of relationships with fish farmers, KKG is able to source fish previously unavailable in the USA at reasonable prices, savings that are passed onto YOU. King Koi Goldfish scours over 20 farms in many regions of China, Thailand, and Japan to find incredible fish that others in the USA just don't have access to.
We believe that fish health and safety are of paramount importance.
KKG recognizes the importance of buying confidently so we work diligently at being as transparent as possible to fully disclose time-frames and medications used during the holding process so YOU can make informed decisions on how to further medicate or treat livestock.You can read our complete quarantine process HERE with information on timelines, medications used and dosing.
King Koi Goldfish maintains a total of 4 facilities (1 quarantine facility, 2 holding facilities, and 1 retail facility to minimize cross contamination.)
King Koi Goldfish has shipped thousands of fish across America (INCLUDING Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico). All fish orders are securely and safely packed. You can read about our shipping processes HERE.
We carry quality drygoods, fish foods, and pond accessories including brands such as Hikari, Saki Hikari, New Life Spectrum, Repashy, Seachem, API, Fritz, Jappies, Hai Feng, Matala, Hakko, Laguna, and Aqua Ultraviolet.