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Anubias Plant Pack Free2Day SHIPPING

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Plant Pack

Shipping Rates and Delivery Times:

  • All shipping options below ship in 2 business days that deliver Monday-Friday only.
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$ 44.99 USD $ 39.99 USD
$ 39.99 USD

Anubias is a staple aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby! Known for their hardy nature and beautiful green leaves, Anubias are great for hobbyists of all skill levels and are the perfect introductory aquarium plant. As an epiphytic aquarium plant, Anubias does well when attached to aquarium hardscapes such as stones and aquarium driftwood! Available in a wide range of sizes, this aquarium stape will work in all planted tank sizes. If you're interested in Anubias but are unsure where to start, our Anubias Plant Pack is perfect for you. 

You will receive potted Anubias plants from the following list. 

Varieties are subject to change at any time depending on the current inventory available. Requests to exchange varieties or make changes cannot be accommodated for this aquarium plant pack.

Recommended for 5-10 gallon aquarium tank.

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