Virtual Shopping
Virtual Shopping
We are your local fish shop no matter where you are. Book an appointment today to pick out your fish!
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Who We Are
Who We Are
King Koi Goldfish has grown into an industry leader in the high end ornamental fish industry. We believe that fish health and safety are of paramount importance. We recognize the importance of buying confidently so we work diligently at being as transparent as possible to fully disclose time-frames and medications used during the holding process so YOU can make informed decisions on how to further medicate or treat your fish. King Koi Goldfish is a family business with roots in the ornamental fish industry going back over 30 years. With strong leverage in buying power and generations of relationships with fish farmers, KKG is able to source fish previously unavailable in the USA at reasonable prices, savings that are passed onto YOU!
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Learn About our Quarantine Process
Learn About our Quarantine Process
Here at King Koi and Goldfish, we believe it's important that our customers feel informed and confident in our processes. As a result, we decided to have more transparency with our quarantine treatment process. While I understand why so many businesses would not disclose their treatments, (some don't QT at all, or others who say someone overseas did it for them, or just opening myself up for criticism by all the "internet experts"). I hope by unveiling the shroud of mystery, you can make informed decisions and buy confidently.
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Virtual Shopping
Virtual Shopping
We are your local fish shop no matter where you are. Book an appointment today to pick out your fish!
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